Friday, October 28, 2016

Week of October 31, 2016

What a great party we had in class today! A huge thanks to all of our parent helpers who organized such a wonderful Halloween party with centers & treats. The class enjoyed themselves very much. Smiles all around. :)

Thank you to our parent helpers this week in and out of the classroom! We appreciate you!!

Monday, October 31st is a staff work day so no school for students. Hope you can enjoy some Halloween fun with your child.

Friday, November 4th is picture retakes.

The next two weeks students will be dismissed at 1:15 for Parent Teacher Conferences. Here is our schedule:

I hope you enjoy a fun Halloween weekend with your children.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Week of October 24, 2016

I’m happy to announce that we have a new student in our class.  Please welcome Jenni and her family to our class and community!

It was great to see many of you at the Walk-A-Thon last Saturday!  It’s always a fun event for everyone.  :)

On Tuesday, we will be working on our Clay projects, glazing them.  Set up starts at 12:30, if you’re interested in helping out.

On Wednesday, we will have Art Vistas from 11:00-12:00, please let me know if you’d like to help out with the project.

This Friday we are celebrating Halloween at school (The 31st is a Staff Work Day, so no school for students on Monday 10/31).  I know your first grader can't wait to show off their costume!  It will certainly be a day filled with excitement!  On Friday, students should wear their costumes to school.  The Costume Parade starts at 8:30 on the Primary Playground.  It usually lasts about 20-30 minutes.   I will also attach the principals message about costume guidelines.
Our class party will follow recess from 11:00-12:00.  Parents are welcome to join us for the party.  If you'd like to contribute, please see the sign up under Volunteer on the Shutterfly Site.

We’ve been really good about returning our library books; let’s keep that up!

I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Friday, October 14, 2016

Week of October 17, 2016

I hope to see you tomorrow at the Walk-a-thon!  Make sure your child is wearing their Walk-a-thon t-shirt if they pre-registered, so they can collect lap tallies.  Here is the website if you need more information.

Don't forget to sign up for Seesaw.  We added another video today about our big buddies.  Click on to sign up.

Please return your AV School Library book on Monday.  I do remind the students to check their backpack for their books, but I do not check it for them; if you pack the book for your child, let them know as well. :)

Thank you to our parent volunteers this week! 

Have a great weekend!

Friday, October 7, 2016

Week of October 10, 2016

This was our first week of "Cougar Time," RtI – instructional reading groups.  The students have done a great job lining up for their Cougar Time class.  It's a transition, and all of the first grade teachers are pleasantly impressed.  Cougar Time will be Mondays-Thursdays, 8:30-9:30.

We will start Centers this Monday from 1:00-2:00.  Here are the dates and signup.

In math homework often asks students to “draw a picture” to match the number sentences (equation).  We’ve talked about this in class, and drawing pictures in math are simple ones.  They are pictures to represent the numbers; so circles, squares, lines, and other easy shapes will work perfect.

Students who have registered online for the Alta Vista Walkathon will receive their t-shirt in class on Friday.  If you haven’t been before, it’s a fun filled day.  Students like to walk laps with their friends and parents too!  So far we have 17 friends from room 1 signed up!  Yay!

Please remember library books for Monday.

Have a great weekend!