Friday, September 23, 2016

Week of September 26, 2016

You may have heard from your first grader, we are observing caterpillars.  Each student has a small container on their desk and each day we have been observing and recording any changes to size and action in our Caterpillar-Butterfly Journal. 

For Sharing, please help your child prepare 3 clues written on paper.  They should prepare by writing three descriptive words or sentences.

Monday will be our first Art Vistas lesson from 11:00-12:00, there is a volunteer sign up on our Shutterfly site.

Wednesday will be our first Clay project around 9:30, and the volunteer sign up is on our Shutterfly site as well.

Wednesday, September 28th is a School Spirit Day.  Wacky Wednesday meaning wear mismatched or backwards clothes.  Some other ideas were long funny socks; I know a lot of our students have these.  ;)

Friday, September 30th is School Picture Day.  If you wish to order pictures, please do so by Friday morning.  You can order online or with the form sent home last week.  For online orders, go to and use the Picture Day ID: BY416706Q0

We’ve been working with the iPads in our classroom.  Some of the Apps we have been using are Lexia Core 5 Reading, Zearn Math, Spelling City and Adobe Spark Video.  This year we are using mainly your child’s Google ID and password to log into their accounts.  I will be sending the account information home to you next week, then you can access all of the paid programs we have subscriptions to.

Today at 5:00 our school website is going though an upgrade.  Some information might be missing at first as we go through this transition.  Please let me know if you can’t find something on the new site.

Please remember to bring your child’s Alta Vista library books back on Monday.  I already have many of them.

I hope you have a great weekend!