Saturday, August 15, 2020

August 15, 2020

 Hello Families,

We made it through the first few days.  Thank you for helping your child get to school on time each day! I'm hoping the students are learning how to log into Zoom themselves, so eventually, they can log in by themselves when asked to do so by Mom or Dad. In my house, waking up early an starting a schedule was hard on day one, but it got a tiny bit better each day.  I’m hoping that as we get deeper into our schedule, things will be smoother for you as well.

I wanted to explain what was in the bags you picked up yesterday.  Here is a little explanation.  I will be reviewing the items in class with the students on Monday as well.  

I will usually send a weekly email about what is to come for the following week on Fridays.  My team (including myself) was exhausted yesterday, so we will work on getting you an email tomorrow with the week’s information.  

Thank you for your patience and understanding.  If you have any questions, please feel free to email me.

Stay cool and enjoy your weekend!